New York Insurers Say No-Fault Claims are Driving Up Costs

November 6, 2009

  • November 6, 2009 at 1:00 am
    JMV says:
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    I’m surprised there hasn’t been more consideration to medical networks to treat auto accident injuries. Such networks could weed out fraudulent medical providers and provide utilization management.

  • November 6, 2009 at 2:32 am
    Then close them... says:
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    If there are loopholes, close them!! Since politicians can’t seem to do anything else these days…give ’em a mission!

  • November 13, 2009 at 3:22 am
    No Fault Doesn't Work says:
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    No Fault Statutes were designed to prevent excess litigation in auto accidents.

    It doesn’t work. Anyone who wants to make a BI claim will abuse the system at their No Fault carrier’s expense, in order to fund their BI claim against the tortfeasor. Some people use it like Health Insurance. Colorado used to require $50,000 in medical coverage as a MINIMUM LIMIT…they did away with it because it was a disaster. I really can’t think of anything more fraud enticing than New York NO Fault. Those are just a set of words that shouldn’t go together.

  • December 2, 2009 at 2:37 am
    ace adj. says:
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    I know the Russian PIP Mills aren’t complaining along with plaintiff’s bar. Nothing will change until the honest folks realize they are subsidizing lifestyles of the rich and fraudulent….

    anybody care for a 2,000.00 EMG test?

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