New Jersey Car Insurance Prices Down But Still Rank Second Highest

December 3, 2009

  • December 3, 2009 at 12:59 pm
    Frank says:
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    This is the only second place finish for this terminally corrupt state. However, it should be noted that it was #1 until just recently. The saving grace it that it ranks first in the highest property taxes, first in the number of murders, first in the number of plaintiff attorneys per capita, and first in terms of having a decaying infrastructure. Great place to live and work. I expect it will soon be ranked #1 in the number of non-english speeaking immigrants.

  • December 3, 2009 at 2:54 am
    Expert says:
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    Being second in this competition has to be analyzed and understood from the point of view of what some insurance companies are doing – like “low-balling” quotes by elim-
    inating needed coverage, reducing limits, or the like to sell to those gullible enough to think they’re really saving money when the truth is that their premium is lower because of the reduction on coverages or limits. Note that a class-action lawsuit has been started against one company for exactly these practices – and more should be brought in

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