Rhode Island Nightclub Fire Victims Seek $176 Million Settlement

December 18, 2009

  • December 21, 2009 at 8:59 am
    GMAB says:
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    Of course they want it approved, that way they can suck their 33% off the top and let the victims families pick up what’s left. I still can’t believe how many were named in the suit including Home Depot, the bus company that brought the band to the venue etc… The fault lies with the fire inspector that didn’t recognize the hazard in their previous inspection, the club owner for cutting corners and putting up crappy sound insulation to save a few bucks – and allowing “gerbs” to be used in such close corners – they couldn’t possibly have overlooked the set up on stage – The band… eh, yeah for being idiots in thinking they could still play with fire – as for the rest… all I can say is GMAB

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