Federal Judge Signs off on Deal for 9/11 Responders

By | June 25, 2010

  • June 25, 2010 at 1:06 am
    For the City says:
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    First of all why are people suing the city? Shouldn’t workcomp handle the employees claims? For the people that weren’t employeed by the city and that went to help, the city should sue them for trespassing. I fail to see how the city is liable for a terroist attack and that people went running toward the crumbled building. Yes, it was nice of them to do so to help their fellow man, but if you are going to sue because you did this, then where is the heroics for that? I guess we all feel it’s our pay day in America so we might as well just go full blown socialist and let the government be our bank. I’m not trying to be unsympathetic, but this is called life. I guess the people in Iraq should be able to sue us too because we actually did bomb their homes and businesses so we should pay them too.

  • June 25, 2010 at 2:03 am
    FOWIF says:
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    “About 25 percent of the total pot will go to cover legal fees.”……nuf said!

  • June 26, 2010 at 6:47 am
    Arnie says:
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    Thought this would be of interest to readers.

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  • June 28, 2010 at 7:28 am
    Bo says:
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    I agree with your position. We had a rememdy in place (WC)and I’m sure all these plaintiff’s took advantage of that as well. There should be no liability on the city as you point out. I still fail to understand why the federal goverment made payments to the families of the victims. That’s what life insurance is supposed to cover. We keep throwing money around like there’s a never-ending supply. Guess what? NY is out of it. Nice job by all the socialists who think everybody is entitled to something just because something bad happens.

  • June 28, 2010 at 9:30 am
    John Paul says:
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    I worked at the WTC and was there that tragic day. Granted there may be a few that don’t deserve anything. However, many of these people volunteered, therefore no WC, and not everyone has life insurance. They also were given federal and city government assurances that the air was safe (untrue) and were provided with inadequate protection. Regardless, just because you receive WC, you still have the right to sue a third party other than your employer. Your comments are inane and reflect an appalling ignorance. You obviously lack even a rudimentary understanding of insurance, and the socialism comment is just stupid.

  • June 29, 2010 at 12:28 pm
    Matt says:
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    Why are compensation payments made to those that were lied to by Federal, State and Local governments regarding WTC site air quality Socialists? Are they socialists because the payments are made to the ‘little people’? When they’re paid to ‘big people’ they’re called TARP.

    I’m assuming “For the City” is a white male GOP party member that voted for McCain/Palin and believes in economic deregulation but at the same time believe in extreme limits on social behavior that belies their deep seated cognitive dissonance.

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