Connecticut to Buy Then Demolish Flood-Prone Properties in East Haven

July 7, 2010

  • July 7, 2010 at 1:57 am
    wudchuck says:
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    here’s the problem i have with the fed or local gov’t purchasing land. they want the land either for development or because in this situation, FLOOD PRONE! they will devalue the land and get it at a lower price. problem, not fair to those folks that were allowed to purchase the home and live there. if this property is demolish, what will they do w/the land? turn it into a park? then it will flood again…. and then i can complain because i can’t walk my dog… or play ball with the local youth. first of all, the land is deeded to me and not the gov’t. i have the right to my land and anything underneath it. if it is a prone area for floods, can you create a housing area, where it stand above the flood? can you spend the money on a way to divert the watery runway so it does not flood? to me, this is another shotty way of gov’t taking w/o asking. how many times have you seen them condemn a property just to get it?! if i own the land, i would say sorry. you can’t have it or pay me more because you are forcing me to relocate, afterall, i have been living here for quite sometime and like the looks around the neighborhood. so when did it flood the last time? of further note, the money is coming from FEMA, so why not purchase all that land in NEW ORLEANS, afterall, that is in a flood zone and below sea level….

  • July 7, 2010 at 3:44 am
    Another Question says:
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    How did this become a state program if the Feds are giving them a grant (which does not have to be paid back) for a NATIONAL flood insurance program??? I like wudchuck’s comment about “…can’t walk my dog… or play ball with the local youth…”. Maybe you should sue ’em for millions & millions & mill….

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