Connecticut Shooting Survivors, Families Told of Compensation

August 16, 2010

  • August 16, 2010 at 12:12 pm
    Eats Shoots & Leaves says:
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    Why is Connecticut shooting the survivors? Haven’t they been through enough?

  • August 16, 2010 at 12:28 pm
    TN says:
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    So sayeth the Koala

  • August 16, 2010 at 12:35 pm
    Marcus says:
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    Just what should they get?

  • August 16, 2010 at 1:45 am
    Compman says:
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    At least as CT shoots the survivors, they are paying the families compensation.

  • August 16, 2010 at 3:08 am
    Desert Dan says:
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    judging by your name; you had lunch, shot the survivors, then left!

    Fancy you showing up here ;-D

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