Maryland Couple Sues over Bedbugs in Apartment

September 30, 2010

  • September 30, 2010 at 1:24 am
    GL Guru says:
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    I understand this is gross but 500K in damages? Come on now!

    Trauma? Get over it!

  • September 30, 2010 at 1:41 am
    wudchuck says:
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    it’s not the trauma for the big payout, it’s the amount that the lawyer wants to put into his pocket and not his clients pocket. the lawyer is itching to find the money from deep pockets and collect! but then again, how much is it actually going to take to replace the items they had to get rid of, including the kids toys? how much did it cost to relocate? but to see a shrink over the trauma, i am confused…

  • September 30, 2010 at 1:59 am
    Ritchie says:
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    It doesn’t sound like the property owner was negligent in any way in spite of delaying the precautionary treatment. Since this is a widespread problem, anyone could have brought them into this apartment, including the plaintiffs themselves. Funny nobody else seemed to have a problem. There’s always a few people who are hyper-claims conscious and always looking for a quick buck. There should be no settlement here since the property owner had no actual or constructive notice there was a problem in his building.

  • September 30, 2010 at 2:01 am
    Hank says:
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    Not… all of their 3-year-old daughter’s toys! How in the world will they be able to replace those one of a kind, heirloom plastic toys!!! I pray that $500,000 will be enough for them to piece together some sort of existence.

  • October 1, 2010 at 2:26 am
    Mike says:
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    Im dealing with an infestation at my home right now. I have two children that are afraid to sleep at night and my son who is 7 will not put on his clothes in the morning until he examines them thoroughly. My daughter at age 3 is scratching herself were the bites are and now has scar tissue all over her arms. We have been at this apartment for only 2 months. We would wonder why our upstairs neighbor vacuumed all the time…now we understand. Even if we treat our area the upstairs and adjacent units will be infested as well and we will never be rid of the things. Now, I have had a difficult time at work being up all hours of the night with crying children and a wife who is neurotic at this point with cleaning. Look up the procedure of ridding your lives of bed-bugs. Its no small task…and the effects it has on you mentally can be pretty bad. You live in a home for a period of time with no sleep and complete exhaustion as every small itch on your body is reacted to with a swipe of the hand. If the complex did nothing for them…the $500,000 although excessive…should serve as a warning to the other communities that do nothing about this fast spreading health issue. What kind of price do you put on your children suffering mentally and physically? Possibly having permanent scars on their bodies because of someone else’s negligence! Id take a million an I would pay to have that place cleared out for the elderly people that cant do anything about it. Jerks

  • October 7, 2010 at 2:31 am
    Charlie says:
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    Actually, the suit should be launched against the estate of Rachel Carlson, who wrote a very poorly researched book called “(The?)Silent Spring” about thriry yeara ago. The hysteria caused by that fairy tale resulted in the global banning of DDT, which had effectively eradicated bed bugs from the civilized portion of the planet–and some really deadly bugs from the not-so-civilized portion, where people are dying of maleria today for no good reason.
    In the unlikely event this case makes it to a court room, it will get tossed.

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