Virginia Firm Eyes High Tech Fix for Distracted Driving

By | October 28, 2010

  • October 28, 2010 at 11:17 am
    wondering says:
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    If you’ve ever had a drunk on the road or someone chasing you as you drove, you would have been thankful for 911. What can we do if the signal is blocked?

  • October 28, 2010 at 11:34 am
    wudchuck says:
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    first of all it said TEXT, not voice! emergency numbers are all available anytime, that is so long as your phone has some kind of power.

    but this software will only help those companies that issue a phone who want to keep that safe. problem, would be how would it know who was handling the phone? if you had a buddy with you answering, it would not know it.

    they should issue this to the police, that includes the software package to their computers so they shut down while driving. they can be distracted while trying to read the computer in the car. they are no different as a driver than we are.

    enforcing, yes, it’s going to be difficult to go to court and state he was texting or reading text, when he might have been touching the key pad for a phone number, or have the cellphone in hand w/the speaker on instead of texting.

  • October 28, 2010 at 12:40 pm
    NO tolerance says:
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    The technology detects a “moving” vehicle. You stop…. you get to operate the device.

  • October 28, 2010 at 4:12 am
    Dumb and Dumber says:
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    I wouldn’t expect an insurance company to say “sure I’ll give you a discount on your auto insurance because you have some certain software on your phone”….It’s like advertising “i’ll be negligent unless someone prevents me”. And then I’ll just be negligent in a different way.

    I don’t think the market is large for this at all. I think it’s a perfect example of “technology can (MAY!!!) be able to do something, but that does not mean we should”.

    All of these laws, and this technology as well, refuse to accept that if human beings don’t perceive the danger and behave accordingly, there is nothing any computer can do about it.

  • October 28, 2010 at 5:02 am
    KS says:
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    From reading the article it sounds like software has to be installed on the smart phone for this to work. But a lot of drivers may not have company phones and may be carrying around their own personal phones or both a company phone and a personal phone. One of the problems is drivers with their own personal phones. In most cases you wont have the software installed on their personal phones so you have not eliminated the risk.

  • November 3, 2010 at 4:43 am
    Dumb and Dumber says:
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    So…..been thinkin about all the things that could go wrong here….like the guy below who points out two phones….and what about passengers? Do their phones work? And what if you are in the hood and you are being carjacked, are dialing 911 while you’re being drug out of your moving vehicle? or better yet, you’re in the trunk?? Or if I’m broken down, walking along side the highway full of moving traffic…does my phone work then?? what if i’m on a viaduct or overpass where I can’t get away from moving traffic????

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