New York Drops Last Marsh Bid-Rigging Criminal Cases

By | January 18, 2011

  • January 18, 2011 at 4:57 pm
    Rocket88 says:
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    Spitzer should be thrown in jail, fined and in general be outcasted for ruining the reputation of all the innocent individuals that he had paraded in front of the camera, handcuffed and made to look like felon’s all for his run for Governor. That POS Spitzer also cost the industry a billion which inturn caused the layoff’s of 1000’s of employees. Than he goes off and shacks up with a prostitute and his old DA office lets him walk. Now he has a TV show !!! Disgusting. I hope he runs for offfice again so people can get out there and protest this POS about what he did because, outside of the insurance industry, no one really knows what he did and, what the consequences were for these innocent people.

  • January 18, 2011 at 5:51 pm
    MadDog says:
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    I agree with Rocket88. Marsh is my competitor, and I still think they were dealt a raw hand. Those Marsh employees deserved better. Every time I see Spitzer in an ad for his show, I cringe.

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