Connecticut Builders, Fire Officials Spar over Sprinkler Rule

By | April 5, 2011

  • April 5, 2011 at 2:21 pm
    Workn4ALivin says:
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    Sounds like a very effective lobbying campaign by the sprinkler industry. Government penetration into so many aspect of our lives is beyond belief. We see it in business every day, but in our homes? Next they’ll require that we all have cameras installed in our homes so that the blood sucking government workers down at city hall can make sure we aren’t enjoying a cigar at home, too. Government taking of our earnings and our liberty is insatiable. Starve the beast!

  • April 5, 2011 at 3:50 pm
    bella says:
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    It would be interesting to analyze the statistics of the 2000 deaths in 1 and 2 family homes to see what other factors may have perhaps contributed to the deaths – age of home, egress, construction, maintenance, neighborhood, etc; and would a sprinkler system have made a difference. I would guess that most death related fires did not occur in newly constructed homes in suburban areas. Without requiring older, urban homes to be retrofit with a sprinkler system will many lives be saved?

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