Son’s Suicide Prompts Connecticut Father to Sue Town

May 19, 2011

  • May 19, 2011 at 2:21 pm
    Jester says:
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    Maybe the father should re-evaluate his own negligence by failing to communicate with his son and the school faculty, and making a firearm available to the kid.

  • May 19, 2011 at 2:41 pm
    Home T. Buffet says:
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    classic insurance journal, it doesn’t give us much info. It’s still a sad story. We have a hurt parent who may or may not have done everything he could to protect his boy…we’ll never know. Hopefully he will find peace.

  • May 19, 2011 at 2:44 pm
    dj says:
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    @ Jester .. Before we make those comments, do we know that he didn’t try to intervene and make complaints to the school ? I know parents who have complained to teachers and the principal and they just get jerked around – in fact, one of my friends – her daughter got called on the carpet for being a troublemaker … the girls who were bullying her weren’t even talked to ! “Oh, girls will be girls – your daughter has to learn to ignore them and not cause trouble”. She finally had to transfer her to another school because the school wouldn’t do anything. I haven’t read the whole story so I don’t know where the firearm came from – I need to read the whole story before I can comment.

  • May 19, 2011 at 3:49 pm
    Doug F says:
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    My niece is facing a bullying situation and she is in 3rd grade. I couldn’t believe it. My Bro-in-Law met with the school administrators and they encouraged him NOT to file any paper work as it would follow the kid doing the bullying their entire academic career. I couldn’t believe it. He was also told the situation was going on for more than a month and they were trying to “deal” with it internally without getting the parents involved. With all the press and talk about it, I was shocked the school was not more proactive. I’m not in favor of lawsuits, but, after hearing my Bro tell me about his dealings with the school, it made me wonder. Thank God I can afford to send my child to private school. Not that it doesn’t happen there as well, but, I think they would be a lot more proactive if it did.

  • May 19, 2011 at 4:55 pm
    No Tolerance says:
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    As usual there’s more to the story than what’s provided here. This crud shouldn’t even be included in this publication without pertinent facts. Who’s writing this bile anyway?
    Anyone with the propensity to take their own life has serious problems to begin with. The bullying or any other factor only aggravates the problem. It would have happened under other conditions as well.

  • May 20, 2011 at 1:07 pm
    scgurl says:
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    The school should be held liable if they were aware of the bullying that was going on. If they knew and didn’t contact the parents or offer the child some type of counseling- they are a fault. I know most peope say that kids will be kids- it give them character but- Some childern just are able to handle pressures of being bullied- especially now with cyper bulling. I do understand why this is published in the Journal- it’s about who is liable

  • May 21, 2011 at 8:51 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, we understand that bullying can happen and has happened for centuries. but let’s put this in a better perspective, first of all, we can’t blame the town. if that were the case, we’d have to have more police and these small towns can’t afford that, even big ones. second, kids have to be taught respect of others from day one! kids get bullied not only in school but in other public places. what if his issued of being bullied was not from school? third, where did this kid get the gun? who owned it? how did this kid get it? responsibility in the owner of the gun to keep it locked up away from children. we don’t like having to blame parents but there is enough blame to pass along. it hurts when a kid decides that his life is not worth it, yet if they had a chance to talk with someone they would have seen that 15 years is a short span of time to the rest of his life. parents take action, talk with your kids, talk with your school administration and those teachers. if you are not apart of that kids life, then you can’t blame the system for which he is apart of. obviously, we don’t have the total picture, but then again, we can’t blame the whole town because if you do, then don’t you blame the whole country and society? it’s unfortunate. hopefully, this can help change ways that folks think about themselves and others.

  • May 23, 2011 at 2:10 pm
    D says:
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    the school should be held liable. they knew about it, one sends kids to school for also being in a safe enviroment. parents should tell their kids, if someone touches them to flatten them out.

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