Maryland’s Highest Court Rules on Lead Paint Lawsuits

October 26, 2011

  • October 26, 2011 at 10:08 am
    the perfesser says:
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    Holy cash cow Batman! Granting immunity would turn off the flow of money to…..not children but U-NO-WHO…The only ones making out in these cases are plaintiff’s attorneys and it looks like they preserved that mode of recourse for themselves anyway.

    • October 26, 2011 at 1:41 pm
      The Other Point of View says:
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      What evidence is there that plaintiff’s attorneys are the only ones “making out”? Who do you think should bring claims on behalf of children who have been poisoned by lead paint if not plaintiff’s attorneys?

      How long have we known about the dangers of lead paint? 50 years? More?

      Why in the world have landlords not remediated the lead paint in their buildings after all these years?

      The solution is not to dump on plaintiffs lawyers. The solution is to eliminate the hazard presented by lead paint. Eliminate the hazard and you eliminate the claims and who knows, maybe a few kids won’t get brain damaged as a result.

      • October 26, 2011 at 2:36 pm
        Compman says:
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        Maybe the tenants should feed their kids Cheerios instead of crown moulding.

        • October 26, 2011 at 2:48 pm
          The Other Point of View says:
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          Comments like that just demonstrate that you’ve never been a parent. If you were, you would know that you can’t keep your eyes glued to your children every waking moment.

          All it takes is one paint chip to elevate blood lead levels to dangerous levels.

          Why do people make excuses for the wrongdoer by blaming the victim? We’re talking about innocent kids here who don’t know any better. Landlords who own these lead painted properties need to stop being slumlords and start cleaning up their acts.

          • October 28, 2011 at 5:10 pm
            YC says:
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            I do not understand why parents can’t control their kids. Did you eat lead pait when you grew up??????

  • October 26, 2011 at 2:38 pm
    Let's be fair says:
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    C’mon perfesser, I’m no fan of plaintiff counsel or ridiculous and frivilous lawsuits or no personal accountability, but these are brain damaged children we are talking about. Tirade’s like yours when so glaringly inappropriate just feeds the plaintiff bars propaganda

  • October 27, 2011 at 3:36 pm
    Nan says:
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    Anyone who has purchased a building that was built before 1978 most likely has a lead paint issue. However, my generation grew up in the tenements that were built in the 1920s, our cribs, toys and high chairs had lead paint as well as the woodwork in every room. Most of us did not get brain damage from living in a home with lead paint. To blame a building owner who had nothing to do with making the paint or applying it to the building is misdirected but, that is where the liability coverage is. The paint companies have been held harmless. In MA we had lots of lead paint claims until lawyers started suing each other for settling for too little money…go figure! Two clients lost their homes because they could not afford to remediate them ($15,000 per apartment). One child had only moved in 3 weeks before his blood test came back positive but that landlord was deemed liable.

  • August 17, 2012 at 3:37 pm
    Brandy Watford says:
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    To have a child that has been poisoned by lead paint has to be just as any other handicap, maybe not in some degree, but certainly exhausting in spirit, ability, and quite challenging. He was tested for lead when he was a toddler and was found to be positive. He always had a very hard time in school. He struggled all his years… with all MESS classes, except for Art and Gym (the physical part). I was determined not knowing that at some point his level was high, that he would make it. I have held his hand the entire 15 years that he has been in school…thank God for Marie Montessori Child Head Start because education for him started early, I knew he needed it. He falls behind in everything, including his abilities among peers as well as his siblings. I pushed him year by year, and took off 2 semesters of my schooling to get him thru it. He and I have spent many late nights & early mornings writing papers; me tutoring him; volunteering in the school (I wanted to be close by), to eyeing him his restlessness, and even now as he is an adult… I am still helping him. I encourage him all day. My husband always says that he made it to the next level, because he was covered by a determined love. It just not FAIR!!!! The schools did nothing; I would have him tested, and they would cover it. I remember there being no resources; there wasn’t even a protocol. For a long time, I was in denial, and I shut my mouth in order to keep my strength to move forward, but the more that we moved forward the more we found the emptiness for a skills set that he should have acquired. It’s crazy. They would contact the health department and thereafter, a partner for an STD, before contacting a landlord about lead poisoning. No money could reward us for the hurt that we have felt. I would feel dumped to have the responsible parties turn their faces and walk away from him. What? OMG…I feel so bad! I feel like I failed him, and there is so much guilt. I keep asking myself why did I live in that house? Why did I choose that house? …and my stomach is sick.

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