Pennsylvania High Court Overturns Malpractice Fund Ruling

March 2, 2012

  • March 2, 2012 at 3:16 pm
    Expert says:
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    So now we find we have one more way for the government to “appropriate” monies it holds for one thing, so it may be used for somthing entirely outside of the purview of the original intent. Wonderful! And we have our upper court Judges making such pronouncements – but then again, in Pennsylvania, they’re politicians, too. Who may we ordinary taxpaying citizens trust?

  • March 2, 2012 at 6:21 pm
    Ins Guy says:
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    I think as a taxpayer, you’d want/require this money back. Seems to me, when the fund was initially set-up it needed an immediate (& temporary) initial infusion of capital to cover claims. Now that the fund has been operating and collecting surcharges from providers (& possibly their carriers as well), that original capital should be returned. Was $700M the entire initial amount?

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