Va. Woman Who Faked Cancer to Raise Money Now Faces Felony Charges

June 22, 2012

  • June 22, 2012 at 2:20 pm
    Vicki says:
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    You don’t think you have something if you are not diagnoses with it. She should should not only be fined, but make her pay money back 10 fold. Anyone can say they have anything and collect money for others that want to help someone in trouble. Make her do time and not easy time sitting on her backside and watching TV – put her in a labor camp and make her earn the money to pay people back what she stole from them. No sympathy here.

  • June 22, 2012 at 5:07 pm
    askanunderwriter says:
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    @Vicki, I wonder what penalty the felony charges will carry ( assuming she is found guilty of being not only despicable but larcenous as well) ….I agree that it is crazy the earlier charges were only misdemeanors…unfair to all those and their loved ones who are suffering cancer…

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