N.Y. Regulator Seeks Insurer Data in 9/11 Case

July 5, 2012

  • July 7, 2012 at 7:12 am
    Systemic risk says:
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    Before Lawsky seeks this data, could the delay be due to the fact that none of these buildings will ever be profitable?
    That these buildings have zero to do with ever making a profit but are a sickening display of many political views?
    It is undisputed that the Port Authority as the “managers” for this site are bumbling, corrupt & of course slow. Security costs from both NYPD & the Port are & will be astronomic. What this really means is that this white elephant will be permanently subsidized by the taxpayers! And of course, the prime beneficiary is Silverstein. Why is Lawsky doing the bidding of Silverstein?

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