Derecho-Related Claims Pouring In; 22,000 Claims in Maryland So Far

July 6, 2012

  • July 6, 2012 at 1:46 pm
    Upstate Marketing Representative says:
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    Has anyone noticed the damage caused by trees, limbs and branches that are falling on structures and vehicles from these storms? If building owners, utilities and municipalities would get on a pattern of tree trimming and maintenance, these wind and ice
    storms would not be as destructive. The wind would still blow, but it would not cause as much destruction.
    Can you imagine being without power for 10 days in 90 degree heat because your utility did not have a tree trimming program in place? State Farm will pay millions in comp claims to vehicle owners because they didn’t trim trees from their property. Start telling property owners that it is their responsibility to trim or remove trees, not the insurance company’s. You can drive around any Upstate NY village or city and the roads are canopied over by tree limbs. You can’t even see the sky in many areas.

  • July 10, 2012 at 9:23 am
    SusieQinthe Midwest says:
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    So is it their fault if the tree uproots and falls on them too???

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