Lawsuit Targets Assets of Officers of Pharmacy Tied to Meningitis Outbreak

By | October 19, 2012

  • October 19, 2012 at 3:38 pm
    William S. Vaughn, ARM says:
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    This whole calamity is just a stark reminder that the Republican mantra to dismantle government regulation (or, as in this specific instance, block the regulation of compounding pharmacies) is toxic in the literal sense of the word. The worst part is that even after this tragedy, the Republicans will be defensively unapologetic about their posture on the need for regulation, incoherently stringing together meaningless and truthless words and sentences to support their position.

    • October 22, 2012 at 8:54 am
      Brokie says:
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      I’m recalling Rep. Joe Barton from TX who APOLOGIZED to BP at the congressional hearings. Apologized to BP, on behalf of the US – even though BP’s carelessness caused loss of life and 180 MILLION gallons of oil to seep into the Gulf of Mexico. And today, the Baggers are screaming for dereg in the drilling indsutry. Not to mention dereg in the ‘clean’ coal industry. You know, that ‘clean coal’ industry where 5 million cubic yards of toxic coal sludge ruined FOREVER a porton of central TN. The mantra of ‘dismantle the EPA’ is ludicrous and dangeruos.

  • March 10, 2013 at 1:43 am
    Barry Ponzio says:
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    Go after the sales managers many made high six figures to ensure this fraud woould last. You didn’t last in sales management unless you were willing to behave in an unethical and criminal way. Ameridose and NECC were linked many of the so called top sales performers at Ameridose were responsible for firing any sales employee who acted in an ethical manner and questioned the criminal behavior. The VP of sales at Ameridose ran both Ameridose and NECC sales until August of 2011. Barry then made hired a seedy unethical so called sales manager to run NECC sales. This new manager had a 300% turnover ratio and enacted his hire, tire and fire program. The place was run by criminals who had no business supplying medicine to patients. They acted with utter disregard for patient’s safety and lives. Mr. Mgrath should go after the assets of the sales managers as they were in on the criminal activity.

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