More Than 100 Attend Delaware Sea Level Rise Meeting

February 19, 2013

  • February 19, 2013 at 1:27 pm
    WHAT says:
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    Its good to see citizen of one state is planning ahead (all 100 of them). I’ll be glad to see the cycle turn and the fears increased when we begin our plight back into the frosty fears of another ice-age like they predicted in the 70s.

  • February 19, 2013 at 8:47 pm
    Jack Wolf says:
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    We should be headed into a glacial period but for increased greenhouse gas emissions.

    Sea level rise is further evidence of a warming climate. This, permafrost thaw, and the extreme melt of Arctic ice are the best evidence of this and one that all can clearly see. The science is no longer debated: of the 14,000 papers on the subject, just 24 disparaged the science. If the neighsayers think otherwise, and have good evidence, why haven’t they published? Some of those neighsayers would cite some vast conspiracy by thousands and thousands of top rated scientists for purposes of grant money extortion, or some other type of quackery rather than looking at the fossil fuel industry motivation for disinformation. This is, at best, ill informed, and at worst, delusional thinking.

    Clearly something has to be done soon and the industry needs to speak up more about it. People’s lives, homes, and livelyhoods are at stake and information is critical.

    This is not about a cycle of fear, but what is in the public’s best interest even if it means not re-building. With each new and bigger weather disaster, the social cost is just too great.

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