N.Y. Assembly Approves a Flurry of Post-Sandy Insurance Reform Bills

June 5, 2013

  • June 5, 2013 at 1:29 pm
    paul says:
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    i can see an exodus of companies as a result of this stuff. let’s stay tuned and see what happens.

    • June 6, 2013 at 12:20 pm
      Center Point says:
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      Nah, NY is too important to the general market. What does need to happen is better education by the state, agent and insurers of what is and what is not covered. AND BUY FLOOD INSURANCE IF YOUR HOME IS NEAR ANY BODY OF WATER THAT CAN INUNDATE YOUR HOME, even if you are 50 miles away from the coast. Storms can cause rivers, streams, etc. to overflow from a fierce storm, not necessarily in the Sandy category.

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