Newtown Struggling to Divvy Up Donations for Sandy Hook Shooting Victims

July 2, 2013

  • October 28, 2013 at 4:56 am
    Corey says:
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    Sandy Hook is a hoax, there is SOO much evidence that proves it was completely set up. Actors! Bad ones at that! Please people open your eyes to the corruption within our media and goverment! Do your research, watch this video, then read this article again; I have no doubt what you see will shock you. YOU WILL START LOOKING AT EVERYTHING DIFFERENT, SEEK OUT THE TRUTH!

  • December 25, 2013 at 6:13 pm
    Ryan Ehlis says:
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    Shooting victims? LOL dont think so, total fake scam, fake actors, no one was even shot! this is a very stupid scam trying to attack our constitution!

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