In NYC, Pedestrian-Cyclist Crash Deaths as Rare as Lawsuits

By , and | September 23, 2014

  • September 23, 2014 at 2:20 pm
    reality bites says:
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    On a related note, lawyers for Muffy, a 12 year old Bichon Frise, filed a lawsuit against Mr. Paul Bearer, a 49 year old plumber from Greasy Point, NY.

    The lawsuit alleges that while both Muffy and Mr. Bearer were in the kitchen of Muffy’s Pet Parent, Alicia Beneficia of Wouldhearst, Mr. Bearer bent over and exposed himself to Muffy. He also brushed against her snout, creating a scratch on his epidermis from Muffy’s sharp canines.

    Court documents state that ever since the incident, Muffy has been traumitized by sensory overload, and that she has contracted Woof in Mouth disease, which may entail years of ongoing medical and psychiatric care. Apparently she has not been the same dog since the event. Ms. Beneficia is also a co-plaintiff, filing an Amicus Curiosity in a plea for Loss of Consortium.

    Plaintiff is seeking unspecified damages. No court date has been set.

  • September 23, 2014 at 4:00 pm
    InsGuy says:
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    What would call someone who becomes a habitual claimant of this type…a phile-o-ped?

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