Penn. Counselor Allegedly Billed Insurance $600K for Fake Office Visits

December 16, 2015

  • December 16, 2015 at 2:52 pm
    Agent says:
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    Has she flown the coop? Phone out of service? She sounds like a model citizen bilking an insurance company for services not performed. I wonder if she was supposed to be giving end of life sessions to seniors under the Death Panel of Obamacare.

    • December 16, 2015 at 4:19 pm
      Why am i even bothering? says:
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      there were never any death panels as part of obamacare

      • December 16, 2015 at 5:02 pm
        Agent says:
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        Liberals don’t like the term Death Panels, but be sure the provisions of the law do include them and doctors are paid to counsel with seniors about end of life and operations to seniors are being denied to seniors to extend life, much like Great Britain which puts them on the Pathway to Death.

        • December 17, 2015 at 10:33 am
          Why am i even bothering? says:
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          i think “doctors counseling patients” is a good thing. you don’t? geez, i hope my doctor counsels me about anything i need to know about — medicines, treatments, how to better care for myself as i get older! you don’t want your doctor doing that for you?

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