New York AG Claims Domino’s Pizza Liable for Wage Theft by Franchisees

By | May 25, 2016

  • May 25, 2016 at 2:23 pm
    Agent says:
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    What, didn’t they want to pay the employees $15 per hour for menial work?

  • May 25, 2016 at 4:20 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    If Dominos is taking advantage of workers and their agreed upon wage by shortchanging them on hours worked and overtime, then they should be fined. But if this is really a gov’t attempt to further the union agenda, that is low and heads should roll. Unions have outlived their usefulness. They only add to the price of goods.

  • May 26, 2016 at 8:59 am
    Bill says:
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    Jack, I tend to agree with you. However, despite greed that rivals that of corporations and politicians, I believe Unions still have a place. I guarantee you a world without Unions would see many negative trends as it relates to employees. I believe you would see decreased worker compensation (already happening), increased work hours, decreased quality of work environment, etc. It is the way capitalism works. Companies unfettered by the presence of Unions will take advantage of every method to reduce costs and increase profit. And if conservatives have their way, the government would do nothing to step in and protect workers. In fact, I would bet they would roll back existing employment laws that they deem an impairment to corporate profits. Smaller government don’t you know…

  • May 26, 2016 at 9:43 am
    V says:
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    Domino’s and other fast food companies like McDonald’s are accelerating their use of robots and self service, in response to the continual harassment and nonsense regulation by all levels of government.

    Private unions have been in steady decline for decades and this trend will not be altered. Public unions remain strong, because they can extort their salaries from the taxpayers.

  • April 11, 2019 at 2:51 pm
    J says:
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    I know I am late to the game, but I moved so I didn’t know there would actually be justice! I worked for Domino’s in wappinger falls and poughkeepsie, NY around 2008. Delivery drivers were making 5.25 when min wage was around 7 something, citing server wage laws. Yes, they made tips but due to the delivery charge that many customers saw as a fee the driver gets (they did not get that fee only a small percent) many people did not know the drivers were being paid a reduced wage with an expectation that customers will tip. I became a GM and was paid a whopping 10.50 and was responsible for almost ALL day to day operations including submitting payroll information. Regardless of what I submitted, myself and my staff consistently had incorrect paychecks and were often directed to take the difference from the till and would not be permitted to take our overtime rate in these circumstances even though many of us worked 60-70 hours per week. When we asked for raises we were told to work overtime if we needed money. We were often paid late and I had even sometimes loaned delivery drivers gas money so they could work. This was before PULSE and I am skeptical of the fingers pointing to the system when the culture of the organization was to underpay workers. I was young and needed a job that paid more than min wage, but I eventually quit when an inspector from corporate informed me that I was wildly underpaid as a GM.

    Shame on the uninformed people who think this is about 15 an hour, as a manager I did not even get that much. This is about paying Less than minimum wage and if you are privileged maybe you do not know what minimum wage was at the time this was happening (Lucky you) but it was in the 7-8 range and drivers made about 2$ less than that using their car and their gas. In an at will employment state, there is often no recourse in these sorts of jobs. You have the right to make your own pizza at home, make your own coffee, grow your own produce etc instead of benefiting from the option to be a customer at a restaurant, grocery store, coffee shop etc. If you are that mad that low wage workers make things available to you that our ancestors had to hunt and grow then there are some remote islands for sale for less than what a house costs in the City. That would be a great opportunity for you to build your own society. Imagine if every retail and CSR worker in the country went on strike for a week or a month or a year, what would you do without those people? Realistically we are a while a way from robots and many companies can afford to innovate so much as their POS systems let alone buy said robots.

    When you are on your own as a teenager with no social capital or access to ANY support of any kind (social, financial, community) and desperate to make money to live in your car and pay your community college tuition to better your life, people will treat you like scum and always get away with it. I challenge those judgmental people to try working that hard just to make tiny baby steps here and there and be completely unable to take a single risk because there is no safety available to you. I am so thankful I left the USA, they say you cant leave problems behind but I sure left behind low wages and employer abuse!

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