Sisters’ Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania Diocese Claims Sex Abuse by Priest

June 23, 2016

  • June 23, 2016 at 1:39 pm
    Sean says:
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    What’s NOT UNCLEAR — is that this is yet another P.O.S. Priest

  • June 23, 2016 at 5:13 pm
    LoyolaAlum SNAP says:
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    This is a reminder of Jesuit Fr. James Chevedden who died suspiciously at age 56. Fr. Chevedden had previously reported to his Jesuit California Provincial, Fr. Thomas Smolich, that he was sexually assaulted by Jesuit Br. Charles Connor. Fr. Chevedden was recovering from an operation at the time. Fr. Smolich acted like Fr. Chevedden’s assault report should be swept under the rug.

    Fr. Chevedden’s parents made lifetime donations of $150,000 to the Jesuit Order. Fr. Chevedden’s mother, Veronica Chevedden, often did volunteer work for Jesuit Organizations from the time Fr. Chevedden was a teenage Jesuit until he was in his 50s. The Jesuit Order awarded Mrs. Chevedden a number of certificates of appreciation.

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