Boston Cop Who Was Shot Sues Online Gun Dealer for Negligence

By | October 19, 2018

  • October 19, 2018 at 4:10 pm
    Nebraskan says:
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    ooooohhhhhhhh interesting…….normally the likes of Agent and Bob would call this guy an idiot (or worse) for such a frivolous and overreaching lawsuit. But, there are some interesting elements to the case that must make it hard for them to go against their typical hate-filled viewpoints.

    1. It’s a cop (the same people who tell you they don’t see people as colors, that “all lives matter,” and that the Black Lives Matter movement is racist will look you dead in the eye and say, “Blue Lives Matter.” And not once do they ever feel hypocritical for that, nor get the irony. They also likely evangelize for police brutality).
    2. He was shot by a felon who shouldn’t have had guns.
    3. He was sold the gun by an online service who couldn’t give two poohs about who is buying from them as long as they get paid (and said online store owners likely attend very spirited KKK, I mean NRA rallies. Sorry, acronyms are hard!)
    3. But we can’t institute better gun control laws because of angry Bob and angry Agent and the Constitution made them a promise, and fore fathers were minute men (but aren’t they all????), and they know some Canadians who told them so.

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