Correction: Family of Connecticut Woman Killed in Crash Settles With Trucking Company for $18.75M

August 6, 2019

  • August 7, 2019 at 11:56 am
    deep pockets says:
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    Yet a poor person would be sentenced to pay $25 per month for the rest of their lives. How does this exorbitant amount exonerate (or educate) the individual (or public who will likely be paying this indirectly?)

    It won’t change driving habits because we know people are lax in their driving caution and quickly forget about accidents they knew about. For example, it is common to have people pass you in the do not pass zones or on hills.

    • August 12, 2019 at 3:44 pm
      ??? says:
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      How would the public be paying this indirectly?

      Also, this driver will most likely never have a driving job ever again, as these drivers have their own scores similar to those of the company with the FMCSA.. This is the wrong time to have such a judgement against you. A NJ based company, in a hard market, with adverse losses.. Carriers are leaving the space left and right, and it will be very difficult for this company to find their excess coverage come renewal.

      In fact, this will be the big wake up call to the company that they’ll need to re-evaluate their hiring practices along with their safety features.

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