Juul Sued by New York State Over Marketing Vape Products to Kids

By | November 20, 2019

  • November 20, 2019 at 1:41 pm
    CC says:
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    Can I sue candy manufacturers for making me fat by making their candy colorful and have fun flavors?

    The illogical jumps some people make to find a “bad guy” other than themselves is astounding. Yes, I understand this is about kids. However, limiting the choices of an entire country because some kids might try something unhealthy is not appropriate.

    • November 21, 2019 at 9:12 am
      Well... says:
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      It’s not just some kids. This is rampant. Do you have a kid in high school? If you do, you should try talking to them, because they will tell you that this is a problem.

      Juul is just big tobacco with a new face. The players are the same, its just a different company name. Alrtia, the parent company of Philip Morris, is a 35% stake holder in Juul. They are literally run by the same people who marketed cigarettes to me as a kid.

  • November 21, 2019 at 10:38 am
    ralph says:
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    Great…NOW what am I going to put in my kids’ stockings for Christmas?

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