State Lawsuit Alleges Juul Advertised Vaping on Teen Websites

By | February 13, 2020

  • February 14, 2020 at 7:55 am
    Just Calls About Wedding & Yoga Bear says:
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    This paragraph leads me to believe the ads Juul purchased may have been done on a ‘package’ basis….

    “The attorney general’s office said those ad purchases began in June 2015, when the product launched, and continued into 2016. Juul had the ability to put certain websites onto a “blacklist” that would prohibit ads from appearing there, according to the attorney general’s office, but the company chose not to do that.”

    A packaged group of ads is a common practice in radio ads supporting a program, and may also be used, perhaps rarely?, for TV ads. My suspicion was triggered by the word “blacklist”, which would imply an exclusion from a group of ads purchased as a package deal. In this case, the ‘package’ is of a group of media outlets; e.g. online sites.

    If it were the case that Juul bought a package of online sites and other media for its ads, then it cannot be justly ruled to have targeted a specific demo group(s). If it bought ads on specific sites, individually, then it might be ruled to have targeted teens if it is likely that only/ mostly teens view those sites.

    That said, it seems that the volume of Juul’s advertising on ‘other than teen media’ is pivotal to this case.

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