Indian Leftist Parties Oppose Raising Foreign Insurance Investment Cap to 49%

August 23, 2004

  • August 23, 2004 at 10:50 am
    NITIN BARVE says:
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    private insurance COMPANIES are here to loot our country.They want infuse more capital just to capture Market share to follow wrong practice of declaring bonus out of capital.LIC in its 48 years of operation has reached effectively to every remote part of country and is working with sence of social obligation.
    Lic is having lowest outstanding claim ratio if you compare with this companies.
    There is nothing new to be acchived as far as products are concern from new Insurance Companies.This companies are fooling layman by giving false picture and false projections.
    one should be cautious of this private companies.
    I will advise peopole not to come in TRAP Of this FOREIGN companies.

  • August 23, 2004 at 11:47 am
    Deepesh says:
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    I think the left parties should be more bothered about improving the economy. Opening up the sector will result in more jobs. The insurance sector certainly needs to develop further and 26% is not helping much at the moment, 49% looks like a good move…

  • August 23, 2004 at 12:45 pm
    narayanan says:
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    One wonders when the indian leftists are opposing india raising the limit of foreign investment in the indian insurance, and are guardedly silent when China, with predominantly leftist ideology is going out of its way to infuse foreign capital in the insurance industry?

  • August 24, 2004 at 6:57 am
    prem joshi says:
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    left in india are following dual game in two states in economical issues in india.they are 100 years back in thier thinking . let god save india.
    insurance provides longterm investment in infrastructure.
    may be left does not want india to invest in infrstructure.
    left in india has leaders whose average age is above can not expect any thing better from them.on account of age they dont belive in insurance. their personal traits do get refelcted in economic polices.
    may be we all should be happy, insurance as a concept is still valid by them.

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