Aon Expert: Aviators Should Take Second Look at Introduction of the 747

January 24, 2005

  • January 31, 2005 at 4:54 am
    Rich Evans CPA says:
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    Bigger jets and we are still working with
    1960 technology to get people on and off the aircraft??

    Can someone tell what is the optimum size for an airport and for a jet that flys between two airports?

    Being near O’Hare and seeing a near vacant or under utilized Rockford
    Airport causes one to wonder what is
    the optimum for air travel domestically

    SST went away so presumably market
    did not support the additional inter-
    continenetal speed.

    I’d be happy with better passenger treatment/ not being dropped at the
    gate a mile away from baggage pick up and some other possible efficiencies.

    Hope the 3rd airport in Chicago
    is designed to handle this flying

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