$525 Million Partial Executive Life Settlement

February 16, 2005

  • July 26, 2006 at 12:17 pm
    Donna Rybold says:
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    Sooooo, when are the executives going to pay off the share holders? The article didn\’t seem to answer this.

  • August 26, 2006 at 11:21 am
    tony griffiths says:
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    A distribution was made in March of this year.

    I was an annuity holder with Executive Life and the last check had over US $ 1500.00 deducted fron it.

    When the Rehabilitor was questioned about this I was told no accounting could be advised as to how this amount was calculated.
    When I became insistent I was told that with over 25,000 policy holders I was told it was an impossibilty …….

    25,000 policies each being charged US $ 1500,00 = US $ 37,500,000 !

    Where do I get an explanation as to where my money has gone ?

  • September 14, 2006 at 1:02 am
    Louise Campos says:
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    Iam also a policy holder in this unfortunate situation that I feel strongly still has yet to be resolved as victoms who have been devestated mentally, physically & financialy. I also have the same questions of concern in this matter and don\’t fully understand what is and should be the main impotratance of what all this court proceedings & findings of guilt in this fraud case means to us as victoms who need to be compensated for their own fault neglegence and greed?

  • September 16, 2006 at 6:10 am
    Joseph DeGuise says:
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    I had a $25,000 policy that was worth over $4000 in 1990. Does anyone know how to recover this?
    Joe De Guise Pahrump, Nevada

  • April 6, 2007 at 8:48 am
    Donna Rybold says:
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    Still trying to figure out how the policy holders get the payoff. someone has kept a large settlement amount to themselves. Scam artists are all alike. \”Catch me if you can\” type thing. Who is there to followup for the policy holders?

  • June 20, 2007 at 1:10 am
    Al Wynn says:
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    I received the initial settlement payment. I was advised to call back to see if my contract would be included in the secondary payment. When I call the numbeer I was given the line is always busy. I have written but received no reply.
    How can I contact the home state insurance
    regulatory office to follow up on this matter?

  • July 12, 2007 at 11:19 am
    Thomas Stanley says:
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    My mother purchased a retirement annuity years ago. How does she go about getting it now?

  • August 24, 2007 at 10:58 am
    Richard A. Mann says:
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    I had a policy with Executive Life at the time Leon Black and the Insurance commissioner of California stole the assets. I had to start all over with my insurance program at the age of 55 which has caused me a lot of tiem and money. I wish Black and the California Insurance commissioner would both have to go to jail. I understand that the commissioner now works for Leon Black.

  • October 5, 2007 at 7:01 am
    Jean Rome says:
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    I found this site because I chased some rabbits on the internet after I received a rather large check from Aurora Life yesterday. I didn’t even know I was swindled. My husband died and we turned his workers comp benefits into an annuity 22 years ago. It paid until the children were out of college and the benefits stopped. Will I get more money? Was this a final settlement

  • October 6, 2007 at 10:15 am
    Monta Derden says:
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    I also received a check from Aurora and I have tried numerous times to reach someone by telephone go get more informaion. I would like to know more information about my account. How can I reach someon to talk to?

  • November 16, 2007 at 7:28 am
    Don Owens says:
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    Looking for information about the check I received.

  • November 22, 2007 at 11:18 am
    SR says:
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    Go here for more info.
    Ph# 800-265-2652 Prompt 4

    AURORA AVI UPDATE 10/17/07
    In connection with the order issued by the California Conservation Court on June 29, 2007, the Conservation and Liquidation Office of the California Department of Insurance (CLO) engaged Aurora to distribute approximately $400 million to current and former Aurora policyholders whose Executive Life Insurance Company policies had been assumed by Aurora. The Court approved agreement specified how each policyholder’s share of such sum was to be calculated. After calculating each policyholder’s share of such amount pursuant to such agreement, on October 1, 2007, Aurora distributed such funds by mailing about 140,000 checks to its current annuitants and former policyholders who were entitled to a share. In force annual premium whole life contract holders have had their share of this distribution credited to their policy’s account value. Not every policyholder was eligible for a share of the distribution.

    Aurora is currently receiving a higher volume of telephone calls and written correspondence than usual as a result of the distribution. Should you have any questions, please forward all written inquires to:

    Aurora, PO Box 448, Hartford, CT 06141-0448.

  • January 12, 2008 at 12:54 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    The entire state seizure of ELIC was a fraud! So many years ago, but nothing’s changed. This last payout is just the most recent of all of the Aurora/ELIC thefts. My guarantee is on paper only, I’ve never been assured of getting my money from month to month. And the addresses the payments get sent to? Both my ex-wife and friend are dead, one shot by the police. The similarity? Both addresses I used for ELIC/Aurora. My new home address? My checks get delivered to my neighbors. Go to court about it? The windows of my car and apartment get shot out. Write to John Garamendi? He’s not even supposed to be in office, he doesn’t want to hear about it.

    When ELIC issued garnishment refunds in 1996, I couldn’t even get mine until I changed banks. Apparently some banks won’t even accept ELIC/Aurora money. When I was banking with Security Pacific I actually saw one of my payments sitting before a bank teller. She hadn’t even deposited it, I guess she was just sitting there looking at it.

    I have altered court papers that prove some of the transactions that went with the ELIC deal are false. I’ve gone through a lot to get them, some aren’t even on file anymore.

    Here the whole thing has been one long case of false imprisonment. No idea how these people got away with it, but it’s just one big white-collar crime and I have court papers proving some of it.

    And that’s the way it is, no matter what side of the Atlantic the money went to.

  • February 7, 2008 at 3:55 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Aurora is never going to treat its investors as it’s supposed to. “If Aurora decides you need any more money?”
    what’s that supposed to mean? It’s not Aurora’s money, it’s your money. Aurora shouldn’t be the one that decides if you “need” any more money, that’s your business. To a certain extent, anyway.

    But when questioned about the payout, Aurora directs the caller to the state Department of Insurance and Willard Roberts. Roberts directs you back to Aurora, who promptly redirects you to Roberts again. What does Roberts do? Sends you right back to Aurora. Neither one will tell you what criteria needs to be met to have a “participating” policy.

    And “participating” is a pivotal word. It was used in the ELIC opt-out packages that were sent out in 1994. You had to have a policy purchased before November, 1988, in order to be considered for any type of reimbursement should you have chosen the opt-out plan. This means that if you purchased your policy after November 1988 you weren’t guaranteed getting any money back at all. And, if previous to that cut off date, you might have only gotten one third of your money back. So, what was a “participating” contract? What did “participating” mean?

    And that ELIC Adams fellow; back in the old days of the stock market, persons like him would get into trouble. The stories of old women getting bilked out of their life savings were exactly what Adams could be accused of. Didn’t matter if ELIC was really bankrupt or not, Adams was morally corrupt and bankrupt himself. Maybe replacing him and taking all of his pencils and ink pens away would have been sufficient to keep ELIC alive, but we’ll never know now.

    And if you have money from investments in other companies, or other savings, you’ll find out that it’s not compatible with Aurora money. Who knows why, it’s all legal tender, but Aurora money just doesn’t work with other American coin. That’s wrong? Ethically, yes. In real life, that’s what’s happened. Split your family right up. Aurora money’s just Monopoly money now.

    Try to complain and see how long you stay out of jail. Think they won’t frame you to discredit your testimony? Think again.

    Chick and Snyder, two apt replacements for Adams. Resty Zampanta, another ELIC/Aurora employee who was memorable. Valencia Owens, all employees whose names should go down in history with the names of those Americans involved in the ’29 Stock Market Crash.

    Your name’s there now, too.

  • February 12, 2008 at 8:24 am
    dennis v brown says:
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    i have a policy its my retirment policy dose this efect it?

  • October 24, 2009 at 5:55 am
    PETER NORTH says:
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  • March 11, 2010 at 8:01 am
    JR says:
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    Is there action going on with this case again recently? If so, who will get money this time. I could use a couple thousand dollars right about now.

  • March 11, 2010 at 9:06 am
    JR says:
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    The reason I asked the question is that I got a call yesterday asking questions about the original policy I had about 25 years ago. I remembered nothing but I did remind them not to forget me if they started giving out money.

  • September 1, 2018 at 1:23 pm
    Mona says:
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    My husband passed away in 2001 and had group life ins. through his employer (a casino) and I never received the insurance money or last paycheck. The company today 17 yrs. later only wants to send me a web-site that I can’t access. I don’t have a policy name, account, number, or agent. I have spent hours trying to figure this out. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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