Armenian Genocide, Concentration Camp Liberation, Gallipoli Campaign Remembered

April 25, 2005

  • April 25, 2005 at 3:41 am
    Sue says:
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    I admire your editorial comments. Thank you.

  • April 26, 2005 at 12:45 pm
    MAC says:
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    Bravo – nice article. Sober thoughts well worth revisting and being mindful of as we move forward in the new millennium.

  • April 26, 2005 at 3:07 am
    Sara says:
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    Thank you for your thoughtful comments concerning the Armenian Genocide. It is particularly important that insurance companies keep human rights issues in mind–last year New York Life Insurance Company lost a law suit to Armenians because they kept the money from policies that could not be claimed because the policy holders were killed during the Armenian Genocide.

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