‘Made in China’ Label Battered by Product Contamination Scandals

By | December 8, 2008

  • December 8, 2008 at 12:36 pm
    Concerned says:
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    Does anyone know how a consumer can tell if a prescription drup came from China?
    There quality issues should make our FDA prohibit inporting presciption drugs but I don’t believe they do.

  • December 8, 2008 at 12:47 pm
    ER says:
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    I remember a few years ago when people in my city died because their Chinese herbal medicines were tainted with arsenic. STAY AWAY from anything that comes from China that can be ingested! This issue has been going on for quite some time. Has our government done ANYTHING to tackle this problem?

  • December 8, 2008 at 1:15 am
    Truxton Case says:
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    The next shoe to drop is asian fish. I was surprised to find out fish is our third largest import, oil being the first and autos the second largest. The conditions the fish are raised in are beyond discust and less than 2% are inspected by USDA.

  • December 8, 2008 at 1:53 am
    Tom3 says:
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    “Has our government done ANYTHING to tackle this problem?”

    Not with Chimpy and Cheney in charge. They wrecked our regulators and helped cause this mess. Too late to impeach?

    Maybe Obama will fire the incompetent idiots who run the FDA and the USDA, who inspect our nation’s food.

    Until then, DON’T BUY CHINESE!!

  • December 8, 2008 at 2:44 am
    Agenda says:
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    All of you (us) are correct!
    The Chinese simply want the American dollar so they can explore (conquer) space and build aircraft carriers (which they’re building right now !)for only God knows what reason…-but you can guess (!)
    Do any of us really believe that their-own products are tainted with lead; for their-won people to be poisoned & their-own children to have lead-tainted toys ?
    Gimme a break !

  • December 8, 2008 at 3:34 am
    ER says:
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    I can almost guarantee they poison themselves. I highly doubt the people who make these products care about anything other than making money. I just don’t get it–why poisonous substances? It would be like the bartender watering down my gin & tonic with hydrogen peroxide instead of…just more tonic water. Why not try adding flour to baby formula rather than crushed-up rat poison? Well maybe these aren’t perfect analogies, but I tried!

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