Global Risk Network Presents 2009 Report for World Economic Forum

By | January 15, 2009

  • January 16, 2009 at 8:30 am
    Chilly says:
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    “He also stressed that ‘climate change is real…'”

    Why is it that we keep getting told that this is real? If it were, wouldn’t it be self-evident? Actually, climate change is real. Russian scientists predicted that we are heading into a new ide age

    This is real:

    Big chill clamps down on Midwest…

    Power Outages Hit New Hampshire on Coldest Day…


    Records lows in the 20s, 30s below zero…

    Chicago Windchills In -50s, most consecutive snow days since record-keeping began in 1884…

    Record cold temps in NYC…

    And from the late Reid Bryson, founding chairman of the Department of Meteorology at U of WI:

    1. The atmospheric warming of the last century is unprecedented and unique.

    There are literally thousands of papers in the scientific literature with data that shows that the climate has been changing one way or the other for millions of years.

    2. It is a fact that the warming of the past century was anthropogenic in origin, i.e. man-made and due to carbon dioxide emission.

    That is a theory for which there is no credible proof. There are a number of causes of climatic change, and until all causes other than carbon dioxide increase are ruled out, we cannot attribute the change to carbon dioxide alone.

    3. The most important gas with a “greenhouse” effect is carbon dioxide.

    Water vapor is at least 100 times as effective as carbon dioxide, so small variations in water vapor are more important than large changes in carbon dioxide.

    4. One cannot argue with the computer models that predict the climate effects of a doubling of carbon dioxide or other “greenhouse gases”.

    To show this we must show that the computer models can at least duplicate the present-day climate. This they cannot do with what could be called accuracy by any stretch of the imagination. There are studies that show that the average error in modeling present precipitation is on the order of 100%, and the error in modeling present temperature is about the same size as the predicted change due to a doubling of carbon dioxide. For many areas, the precipitation error is 300-400 percent.

    5. I am arguing that the carbon dioxide measurements are poorly done.

    The measurements are well done, but the interpretation of them is often less than acceptably scientific.

    6. It is the consensus of scientists in general that carbon-dioxide-induced warming of the climate is a fact.

    Probably wrong. I know of no vote having been taken, and know that if such a vote were taken of those who are most vocal about the matter, it would include a significant fraction of people who do not know enough about climate to have a significant opinion. Taking a vote is a risky way to discover scientific truth.

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