Air France Jet Likely Broke Apart above Atlantic Ocean

By Federico Escher and Bradley Brooks | June 5, 2009

  • June 8, 2009 at 7:48 am
    James says:
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    We may never know exactly what caused this plane to crash. The only things for certain are that the crew was very experienced, and that the plane was relatively new with no maintenance problems. The issue of changing the speed sensors is groundless since they can’t be definitely linked to the cause. sound like an unusually severe storm knocked it from the sky. Chalk this one up to an “accident”. No negligence, no liability. Now millions of dollars will be spent trying to figure out who or what was at fault. Maybe nobody was. Fact is, this was a unique circumstance that doesn’t warrant months of investigation. This crash was rare and the circumstances may never be repeated. You can’t engineer your processes and products against the 1% of problems that can’t be eliminated.

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