New U.N. Climate Deal Struck; Critics Say Gains Modest

By and John Hershkovitz | December 12, 2011

  • December 12, 2011 at 10:46 am
    Waterbug says:
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    What absolute sewage! Reuters crusade to preserve the manmade climate change hoax rolls on in spite of overwhelming evidence of the fraud uncovered in climategate and more recent revelations.

    If you take the time (like I did) to thoroughly study both sides of the issue you will reach the same conclusion that I did. Those leftists like Algore who insist there is no other side to the argument will live in ignorance.

    • December 12, 2011 at 1:44 pm
      Little Frog says:
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      It’s all a function of the money! I must disagree on one point however: “Those leftists like Algore who insist there is no other side to the argument will live in…” affluence according to their manufactured influence.

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