New Antarctic Ice Shelf Threatened by Global Warming

By Chris Wickham | May 10, 2012

  • May 10, 2012 at 8:26 am says:
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    The ocean warming is because of volcanic activity below the ocean floor. The article noted the melting from below, but otherwise the author spewed “global warming”. This ice melt has nothing to do with the global warming which we are regularly guilted to accept as a man-made condition causing rising air temperatures. It is irresponsible journalism not to make this distinction very clear.

  • May 10, 2012 at 10:51 am
    Ins Guy says:
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    And he knows this because all 40,000 variables he loaded into his model are completely accurate and all of his prediction algorythms are flawless and his assumptions are undeniable and unbiased.

  • May 10, 2012 at 11:50 am
    Water Bug says:
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    It’s from Reuters. What do you expect.

    • May 11, 2012 at 10:26 am
      Brokie says:
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      ..and what – as if Faux News would be more credible?

  • May 10, 2012 at 1:36 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Yeah, duh! Earth is flat anyhow, so the water will just run over the edges and into space.

  • May 10, 2012 at 2:55 pm
    My vote is for.... says:
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    Cow farts since the dinosaurs have vanished.

  • May 10, 2012 at 2:56 pm
    Jason says:
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    “This is on top of an estimated 1.7 mm [0.666 inches] annual rise due to the expansion of the oceans as the water warms.”

    I think you forgot a zero. This would be a serious problem if it were true…

  • May 10, 2012 at 3:27 pm
    Misleading words says:
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    I thought the new buz word was “Climate Change”. At least that’s what I read in other blogs.

  • May 10, 2012 at 3:28 pm
    speakoutforscience says:
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    Thumb down 0 – your argument is completely incorrect for three reasons:

    Your argument suggests that volcanic activity on the ocean floor must be increasing over the last few hundred years. We see no evidence of this.

    There might be a lot of volcanoes but there is no evidence that they are active enough to heat the ocean water. We can see at surface volcanoes that not all of them are erupting or puffing away simultaneously – why would undersea volcanoes be different? Additionally, of those 3.4 million ‘volcanoes’ he cites from a 2007 study, how many were considered active?

    Finally, you would expect in this situation that ocean water would warm from the bottom (near the volcanoes) upwards, but measurements show that the surface waters that are warming, not the deep ocean. This suggests that heating is coming from exchange with the atmosphere, not from some deep source on the ocean floor.

    • May 11, 2012 at 9:46 am
      Brokie says:
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      …what YOU don’t understand is that Sean and Rush are telling K72295k about the mythical volcanoes under the sea, so, science be damned! That’s good enough for the right wing flat earthers. Washed down with a big big glass of the kool-aid…..

  • May 11, 2012 at 11:06 am
    Water Bug says:
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    Brokie, grow up. I am a trained scientist (Physics) and I have paid a lot of attention to “Climategate” and all the falsified data used by the green weenies. I have studied the global warming/climate change issue myself in great detail. You have to study the findings of folks on both sides of the argument to get at the truth and you can’t do that by relying on just Sean Hannity or Ed Schultz.

    My ex had to write a college paper on this a few years ago. Her professor said he would not accept any work that disputed man made global warming . She asked me what my opinion was and I wouldn’t tell her. I said she had to do the research and form her own opinion. I went with her to the public library and to the local university libraries in addition to looking on line.She wrote a well documented and extensive paper that cast a lot of doubt on the green weenie arguments and was able to quote hundreds of legitimate scientists to scoff at the notion of man made global warming. She also discovered that many on the left were not physical scientists but rather were social scientists.

    At first, her professor refused to accept the paper but we threatened legal action and he backed off and finally read the paper and looked at the sources of information she had used.He finally accepted the paper and gave it a B+. He said that he hated to do so because the information she presented did not agree with his political agenda.

    • May 11, 2012 at 1:40 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Yeah, Brokie. As if the earth has warmed due to man over the course of it’s 6,000 year existence. It doesn’t matter anyhow because I heard Michelle Bachmann say the end days are upon us. I’m saving up for my survival seed kit and have my food insurance paid up. I’m saving these soon-to-be useless dollars to buy some gold so I can trade it for some guns and ammo in preparation for Armageddon.

  • May 11, 2012 at 12:17 pm
    henry says:
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    here’s my opinion on Global warming the earth’s axis has turned due to all the nucleur testing underground. Think about it all these countries that has shacken it up. Some scientist has said that but never, never expect a country to admit it. It would only have to turn .01 of 1% colder in 1 area like snow in april, may, and warmer in other areas causing ice melting. Think about no goverment will admit something like that.

  • May 11, 2012 at 2:13 pm
    jon says:
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    I just heard a presentation by an environmental expert. It is no longer acceptable to speak about global warming (presumably since that phrase has proven untrue) but global weather instability. Same political concept but a lot less easy to disprove. ‘nuf said.

    • May 12, 2012 at 1:04 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      I just heard a presentation (sorry this starts off the same, no parody intended) also on climate change. The rate of global temps in the last 100 years versus all the other statistical data we’ve collected does show a significant change. And, the polar ice caps are suffering. And, you know what, who cares if it does or doesn’t exist? Shouldn’t we do all we can to sustain this planet for as long as possible before the sun goes supernova on us? What’s wrong with planning for the future, even if we are wrong, one way or the other? We have many out there planning for the end of the world and I personally think they are crazy. But, I also think there is nothing wrong with being prepared. No matter what the studies say about global warming, if the studies say something is a win for the planet in general, then you can sign me up. Remember when we didn’t have recycling? Do you recycle? When I was going to elementary school, there was actually an idea about shooting our garbage into space. WTF? Let’s do what we can collectively to make a change to be good for the planet. The planet has been soooooooo good for us, after all. If God gave this to us, we should do all we can to take care of it. Flat earthers or not. Hell, we changed our hairspray for the ozone layer. Let’s keep going the extra mile for all of civilization to come that should be afforded a fruitful place to live. Get rid of the political BS and just think about life for a second. It’s a no-brainer for me.

  • May 12, 2012 at 11:50 am
    Water Bug says:
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    Let’s get real Captain Planet.No one disputes the fact that the climate changes for a number of reasons. Have you ever read about the Ice Age? The earth warmed up and the ice melted. There were no SUVs or coal burning powerplants around in those days. It was Mother Nature.

    As for hairspray and the ozone layer, if you research this you will find that the ozone layer started to replenish itself before the freon laws were passed. My late cousin Jim was a British atmospheric researcher who spent a lot of time flying in the Concorde studying the ozone layer and collecting air samples at very high altitudes. His group discovered that the ozone layer comes and goes all by itself but it was politically incorrect to say so. Jim was a devout socialist but he believed it was wrong to fudge the numbers for political purposes.

    As for recycling I spent much of my youth in Great Britain where rationing was still in effect and recycling was a necessity. I have always been a great believer in recycling.

    I remember the suggestion that garbage be sent into space. No one took it seriously.

    The documentation of temperature change has long been corrupted by the green weenie movement and the Climategate scandals show that data has been falsified to frighten society about phenomena that mankind has no control over.

    Mankind has made large and necessary changes so that the Cuyahoga River will never catch fire again. Many new cars produce exhaust gas that is cleaner than the air that was taken in. There are other practices that should be curtailed like dumping raw sewage into the oceans.

    The Truth surpasses any political consideration and the man caused global warming theory is purely political and is driven by socialists who want the government to control every aspect of our lives.

    The sun going nova is many millions of years in the future.

    • May 14, 2012 at 5:11 pm
      SWFL Agent says:
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      WB, I’m no scientist like you but isn’t it usually warmer in the city versus the rural areas? And this is due to population, buildings, vehicles, etc. isn’t it. Then as world population expands then wouldn’t a greater part of the globe become warmer? It just seems sensible to start looking at ways to reduce the items that create heat or things that create harmful emissions.

    • May 14, 2012 at 5:35 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Right, but any forms of life still inhabiting it should and that means we need to be the best stewards as possible. Pretty tough to argue with your false premise of collected temperature statistics have been fudged over the years. Was there a “green weenie” movement started over 100 years ago? Why are conservatives “conservative” about anything but the planet? For every 1 scientist you can show me that is a denier, I can find at least 100 that say the scientific evidence is indisputable. We all know where you are and what information we will have coming from you. Let’s not stop looking for new discoveries. Yes, you are right about the climate changes in the distant past. But, the climate change never happened so rapidly as it has in the last 100 yrs. That’s the difference. There is a common denominator there. But, I’m no scientist, either. I don’t even pretend to be one on TV.

  • May 14, 2012 at 10:16 am
    Sarah says:
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    OK Al Gore put you up to this didnt he?
    Comon man! Get a grip and stop it with this left wing crap!

    Oh and by the way, NOBAMA 2012!

  • May 14, 2012 at 11:33 am
    Chilly asks, "What ended the last Ice Age?" says:
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    Media Hype on ‘Melting’ Antarctic Ignores Record Ice Growth

  • May 14, 2012 at 1:32 pm
    Water Bug says:
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    Hurray Sarah!!!

  • May 15, 2012 at 4:36 pm
    Flipside says:
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    Whether the planet is warming as part of a natural cycle or man-made causes, most conservatives and liberals can (surprise) agree on some of the consequences, regardless of the cause.

    Gloabal sea levels are rising. We need to prepare coastal areas for this, and begin to proactively take steps to protect property in these areas. We need to understand what this could mean not only from an insured loss point of view, but from a human point of view of what to do with thousands if not millions of displaced persons.

    We ignore these issues though to score cheap political points by calling each other left-wing nutjobs who want the government to tell industry what it can and more often can’t do. We call each other conservative ignoramuses who can barely uncross their eyes to see the science in front of them. None of that will matter to our children and our childrens children. When they sit on the beaches of east Tennessee, they won’t wonder why we were divided on the cause. They’ll care that we didn’t figure out a way to deal with it.

    • May 16, 2012 at 3:58 pm
      Brokie says:
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      Spot on. Absolutely – your image of the TN beaches is quite vivid and frightening. I’m disappointed in my generation and our lack of not doing anything, or not doing enough, for years. I was in high school for the FIRST Earth Day – 40 years ago and still, most people of my generation do not recycle. Some states do not even have bottle bills to encourage consumers to recycle plastics. That is pathetic, or is it apathetic and just plain stupid. For the record, I’m the MOTHER of a REAL scientist.

  • May 16, 2012 at 2:41 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Good points, Flipside. Well said. Our grandchildren’s grandchildren can decide who was right in this debate later. But, no matter the cause, let’s do everything we can to act now!

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