India Power Failure Hits Millions; Among World’s ‘Worst Blackouts’

By Frank Jack Daniel | August 1, 2012

  • August 1, 2012 at 10:59 am
    Ins Guy says:
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    Wonder how many American corporation’s help desk call centers went off line? 60% – 70%?

  • August 2, 2012 at 11:19 am
    other says:
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    Their economy and population grew too fast to keep up with their out of date power technology. They will have to find the financial backing in order to get the much needed upgrade.
    Ins Guy – I can understand your frustration for this, however I can also see why companies sent their business out of the country. If I have a billion dollar company and I needed a call center of about 500 people I would consider splitting the workforce to keep my operating costs to a minimum. If you have 250 people who work for 1.50 an hour and 250 people who work for 10.00 an hour it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to know it peeked your interest.
    Besides; India is more accommodating to those companies and does not force them to pay an outrageous amount of Taxes.

    • August 2, 2012 at 5:27 pm
      Maybe so says:
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      But I think you almost described the unemployment picture in the United States.

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