Japan’s Clean-Up from 2011 Tsunami, Nuclear Accident Lagging

By and | March 11, 2013

  • March 11, 2013 at 12:32 pm
    Stephen Comley says:
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    Google my name like this: Stephen Comley We The People (WTP) Our work was featured on the Cover of Time & CNN after a year & half investigation aired on Earth Matters INSIDE THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION INTIMADATION OR REGULATION. WTP first brought to light Counterfeit Substandard parrt in over 70 US Plants. In January of this year new information came out at TVA Watts bar with 500 bugus parts. NRC issued a Fed Subpoena which state, Mr. Stephen Comley & Roger fortuna are comspiring to Topple the NRC. I am trying to prevent accident from happening instead of reacting to one. I wrote to Obama 3 times without a reply so I then wrote to the First Lady of which the White House signed for. Trust me they are going to wish they had.

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