EU, U.S. Leaders Launch Free-Trade Talks

By and | June 17, 2013

  • June 17, 2013 at 5:23 pm
    ExciteBiker says:
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    Thanks IJ. Here is info on the other big trade agreement for Libby and any others who read my description of the Trans-Pacific-Partnership.

    Notice France won’t even agree to negotiate unless the U.S. entertainment industry is excluded. Why do you suppose this is? Because these “free trade” agreements are a lie and a front with which incumbent powers will attempt to erect a global regulatory and legal framework above and outside the sphere of influence of any one signatory.

    Note that all descriptions of this proposed “Trans-Atlantic-Partnership” — only now uncloaked in basic premise by the propoganda apparatus despite having actually existed in theory for some time now — begin with a disclaimer that tariffs between the US and EU are already low.

    Hopefully the INDIVIDUAL NATIONS of the EU (so can we please stop calling it a “bilateral” trade agreement) have not completely abandoned the citizenry like the U.S. Congress has.

    You have got to love the utter B.S. being spouted about all of the billions of dollars and millions of jobs that would be magically created if we could only just ignore local laws and upend the sovereignty of citizens ’round the globe. I believe that as much as I believe a reversal of the US Voting Rights Act wouldn’t result in a spate of racist disenfranchisement bills– in other words, these claims are utter falsehoods worth less than the paper they’re printed on.

    Down with the Trans-Atlantic Partnership and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. What Cameron, Obama, and the other Statists see is a “once in a lifetime opportunity” to permanently and irreversably legitimize the shadow government which already has its cold bony hands wrapped around our necks.

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