Report Says Seas May Rise over 7+ feet Per Degree Celsius of Global Warming

By Erik Kirschbaum | July 16, 2013

  • July 16, 2013 at 2:32 pm
    Scott says:
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    Time to buy that future waterfront property in Nevada, boys and girls!!

  • July 16, 2013 at 6:29 pm
    Pierre-Michel Feuz says:
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    Many of the World countries still put their heads in the sand and refuse to acknowledge the obvious.

    Warning have been issued time and time again, not by foolish scientists, however, by credulous reputable people in various specialised Institutions. YET, where is our concerted effort to remedy this status. Our professional Insurers and Reinsurers are still paying the consequences of claims related directly to our changing climate, to extraordinary Events, accentuated Earthquakes……has any one considered the fact that one day reserves will be gone…..Oh YES we hear, CAPACITY is here, we have CAT Bonds, we have ART and no one is preparing themselves for Financial Capitals disappearing, or another collapse as a direct result of exhaustion, failures by Banks, by Markets.

    WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY!!!!!!! Haven’t we!!! will that help???.

    What about each Major Insurer, each major Reinsurer, each ART, each Capital specialist in each World market coming together to face up to these calamities and together elaborate a Global plan which will truly have an impact and help to save our future, help save lives.

    I know that some outfits are trying out there…..however, it needs more than a few, even more than Munich Re, Swiss Re, A.I.G. ACE, Allianz, Axa…..where are you????

    Signed, posted by Pierre, the Swiss Guy

  • July 17, 2013 at 8:04 pm
    tom kornelis says:
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    Rule #1 when writing about climate change/global warming research is to include links to the final document. The press is notoriously gullable and ravenous for sensational headlines – yes the insurance press too – and only until you read the juried report will you get the true account of the research.

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