Rising Sea Levels Ranked as Greatest Climate Change Threat: Guy Carpenter

September 4, 2013

  • September 4, 2013 at 1:51 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    “As the planet warms up it leads to a rise in sea levels, which Guy Carpenter describes as the “single greatest threat posed by global warming.” The rise is “expected to increase coastal flood frequency and severity from tropical cyclones, extra tropical cyclones and tsunami events.”

    Well, I don’t understand how it’s going to increase flood frequency and other severities when the sea water will just pour off the edge of the flat earth.

  • September 10, 2013 at 4:03 pm
    Jim Macdonald says:
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    If you believe everything that the IPCC says, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. After 16 years and counting with no warming, nada, they use terms like “warming is undeniable” , “consistent and mounting scientific evidence”. Hello!, anybody there? Their alarming forecasts are also based on the failed models. At current rates of rise,(sea levels 2 millimeters per year)sea levels will only rise 6 or 7 inches by 2100. Temperatures, maybe a half a degree if the warming resumes, otherwise zero.
    He also mentions “melting icecaps”. Antarctica holds 92% of the worlds ice and has never melted in history. Arctic ice fluctuates in cycles and has 60% more ice this year than last year.

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