China Ride-Hailing Firm, Didi, to Go Global After Record Funding

By Christina Larson | May 1, 2017

  • May 4, 2017 at 10:05 am
    Toni says:
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    We’re currently in China as tourists. This Didi guy is the most miserable person on earth…first he kills Uber in China and then he replaces that by an app. only useful for people in USA, Canada, France, UK Brazil and a hand-full of Asian counties. No chance if you come from another place….albeit the original Uber pp worked ok.
    I recommend to ANYBODY who sees this DIDI show up in their country to FULLY EVADE him, as he will thoroughly disappoint you whenever the rubber meets the road.
    In fact, his work caused that many, many foreign tourists in China are at the mercy of high-charging, bold taxi drivers – as there are hardly taxi’s coasting around which you can hail (by hand as in the good old days) as 99% of them are ordered by Didi’s app – which many of us cannot use.

    Who wants that to happen in his own country: Chinese can order a cab, local residents can’t ???

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