Climate Change at ‘Tipping Point,’ Says Europe’s Biggest Asset Manager

June 1, 2018

  • June 1, 2018 at 6:40 am
    PolarBeaRepeal says:
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    Mr. Samana; the Earth’s climate has changed over time, as measured by thousands of years, not decades. It is almost completely independent of human’s actions. It will continue until we are long gone from the face of the Earth. So, address other, more important issues impacting humans which humans CAN influence positively. Or, be silent and listen to the debate between people taking it seriously, who keep an open mind.

    • June 1, 2018 at 10:53 am
      JOhn Mosheim says:
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      Dear Mr. Polar:
      You are very right that the earth’s climate is not a constant, it has never been since maybe 2-4 billion years ago when the atmosphere was first formed. Changes in regional/global climate and weather patterns can be a response to very short duration in geologic terms (major volcanic eruption, increased amounts of dust/smoke in the atmosphere from large meteoric impacts – Look at the moon for example to see how dynamic this thing is. In general geologic terms ( several millions of years) earth as a planet is getting cooler, again all part of natural processes – no big mistery. Of course, like in any complex system, there will be ups and downs along the trend line.

      The earth’s atmosphere is a dynamic and complex container or “control volume” that will respond to changes like any other physical/chemical object will: put a dark rock outside under the sun in the middle of the day in AZ and it will get very hot put a lighter colored one and it will get less hot, same thing with cars withouth the sunshield in the front during the summer – they will get very hot inside. Leave the door open in the middle of the winter in your house say if you live in Maine and you might need to get your south pole gear. Take a power plant (built by humans) discharging warm water from cooling into a smaller lake, the lake will likely get somewhat warmer, and perhaps some fish species will flourish while others will disappear.

      The earth is no different. Change the average chemical composition of its atmosphere, and well there will be a natural response of some sort. Follow the chemistry and physics of these processes and well they will lead you (and I) to some kind of range of plausible science based/statistical/empirical cause-effect scenarios, etc.

  • June 1, 2018 at 1:20 pm
    MetaDataMan says:
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    Reading this article carefully reveals the core of the concern: investors and funds ELECTING to move away from carbon-based investments and thereby causing a ripple effect on markets–NOT actual “climate change” or “global warming” or whatever the latest buzzword is for this false phenomenon. More hot hair and alarmism over nothing.

  • June 1, 2018 at 2:01 pm
    Dave says:
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    Notice that despite the tricky headline, the article is all about investors realizing and reacting to the regulatory threat that accompanies the governmental & economic reaction to “Climate Change”. It is not about the truth of it, only the reaction to it.

    The more accurate headline would be “Regulatory Reaction to Climate Change has Investors at Tipping Point”

  • June 1, 2018 at 11:40 pm
    Cut the Bias says:
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    “Climate Change Not Real” says Internet’s Least Educated Trolls.

    Hmmm, I can’t tell who I should believe:

    -The leadership of Every nation on Earth
    -97% of all Climate Scientists Who Have Taken a Position
    -Nearly all Fortune 500 companies, including fossil fuel companies and others who would have reason to lie for financial gain (ie: what they had been doing for 40 years)
    -The Pope, the Presiding Bishops of the different Lutheran Sects, other Christian faiths (Presbyterian, Methodist, etc) the President of the Mormon Church, the heads of the main Jewish and Muslim bodies of faith


    -Posters who get their info exclusively from skeptic websites and Fox News.

    Let me think. Hmmmmm… This is a tough one.

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