Europe Faces Heatwave with London and Paris Expected to Break July Records

By | July 23, 2019

  • July 23, 2019 at 11:41 am
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Yawn. You knew there was a Climate Change, I mean Scary Monster angle.

    Again, temperature records go back only to about 1880, but reliable records only go back to 1979, when satellite tracking was first used globally. This is the reason the historical record has changed so many times (4 times for NASA so far). NASA’s third version showed global cooling from 1880 to 2016 – so that wouldn’t do.

    Cloud cover’s formation and impact on global temperature is a complete mystery to Climate Scientists. No idea what the cloud formation future could be and no idea why some years have more clouds than other years.

    But recent comparisons of historical cloud formation world-wide shows a direct correlation to average global temperatures: more clouds equals lower temps. and vice versa.

    This potentially blows all the man-is-the-cause theories into nothing. (But don’t look for cloud formation science stories in the NY Times, CNN, or Insurance Journal.)

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