UK Regulator Asks Insurers to Weigh Possible Business Impact of Climate Change

By Mathew Carr and | August 2, 2019

  • August 5, 2019 at 6:01 pm
    Bentley Lein says:
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    This year more C02 will be emitted into the atmosphere than any previous year in human history. Next year we will beat that record again, and so on and so on. Sea Ice hit a record low for July in recorded history following a trajectory bringing us ever closer to zero. The oceans are hotter, as is the atmosphere – with record heat and storms now a regular occurrence – resulting in growing insured and uninsured losses.

    Once more individuals take a serious look at the data and the science – and how quickly the natural world is changing – there is no telling how markets or regulators/politicians will respond. Lucky we are to be living in “interesting times”.

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