Iowa Farm Bureau Ordered to Stop Free Memberships for Insurance Buyers

September 28, 2006

  • September 28, 2006 at 1:12 am
    JohnM says:
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    If the Iowa Farm Bureau Membership is anything like the Arizona Farm Bureau membership, it is anything but free. The cost of the membership is incorporated into the renewal bill or the down payment of the initial policy. It has been the practice of the Farm Bureau to make membership mandatory to have a policy, which is fine if you are a farmer and the Farm Bureau is your official lobbying group. However, a school librarian looking for auto insurance doesn\’t need to be a member of a \”grassroots\” organization dedicated to the eradication of the Department of Education. Several years ago 60 Minutes ran an expose on the Iowa Farm Bureau and members of the Sierra Club were told that they were insured by their mortal enemy. It was hilarious watching the Iowa Farm Bureau president squirm explaining the necessity of these \”memberships\”, with their benefits that are basically available to any Costco or Sam\’s Club member. Suffice it to say that the costs of these memberships flow directly to the mother ship in Iowa dedicated to preserving the flow of Federal subsidy dollars to a select group of farmers that most americans wouldn\’t recognize as \”farmers\”.

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