Insurance Group Urges Defeat of Wis. Auto Repair Shop Legislation

July 11, 2007

  • July 11, 2007 at 10:21 am
    Free Speech says:
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    Anyone who cares about free speech should speak out against this legislation. Under this law a person or a company would be gagged and told they cannot share critical information with a customer so they can make an informed decision.

  • July 11, 2007 at 5:51 am
    BIG INC says:
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    The legislation being promoted under the veil of ‘consumer rights’ actually takes away the customer’s right to choose a higher level of service and a streamlined claims process.” One – for the Insurance boys, lets face it all the laws our not for you or me but BIG INC. I know lets make laws for the right of the consumer how about that one. Have we all gone off the deep end? Wake up people.

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