Illinois Tells Crop Insurer to Cease ‘Improper Rebate’

March 31, 2009

  • March 31, 2009 at 8:47 am
    Ralph says:
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    This is the second successful case initiated by Illinois agents in a prgram adiminstered by the USDA Risk Management Agency who claims to “regulate” this business. Illinois has gained nearly $5,000 from the IL agents activities.

  • March 31, 2009 at 3:25 am
    okt0ber says:
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    Isn’t this similar to a dividend of a mutual company? The dividend amount depends on the amount of insurance premiums you pay… the most insurance you have, the more premiums you pay…

  • March 31, 2009 at 4:14 am
    Crop Specialist says:
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    Not the same thing. Dividends are declared by the Insurance Company’s board of directors, usually if the company has had a profitable year. They cannot be guaranteed. Dividends are paid to policyholders who are also the owners of a mutual company.

    In the case of Farm Credit, Farm Credit is the insurance broker, not an insurance company. Being a large organization, if rebating were legal, they could drive small brokers out of business via the rebate enticement, thus creating an anti-competitive environment. Rebating has been and still is illegal in all states except California and Florida.

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