Kansas Farmer Sues Monsanto over GMO Wheat Discovery

By | June 6, 2013

  • June 6, 2013 at 3:56 pm
    bob says:
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    this is frivolous. the vast majority of corn, soy, and sugar beets grown in the U.S. are grown now as “roundup ready”, meaning they are genetically modified to be able to sprayed with roundup herbicide to combat weeds. this has allowed huge increases in productivity and reduction in costs – and everybody has benefited and no one even realized the magnitude of the amount of genetically modified crops. there is no problem with the product.

    • June 6, 2013 at 5:54 pm
      ilikeyouandyourtruth says:
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      This is a lie 90% of our wheat is exported. And bob you think everyone developing food allergies and cancer at an alarming rate means this product doesn’t kill. Ok would you rather eat something that just didn’t kill all bugs that just took a bit of it or eat something that insects can eat?

  • June 7, 2013 at 10:28 am
    theresa says:
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    Bob, we know what genetically engineered means. Aside from health risks, of which there are many, gmo crops don’t have a higher yield. That is a fact. There are NO benefits to gmo crops at all. The fact that Monsanto is hugely powerful (and their lobbyists, too)and want to control all seeds and food is the issue. Contamination will prevent conventional and organic farmers from making a living. Monsanto regularly sues farmers when their fields are contaminated with Monsanto’s patented seeds. In Canada, there are no soy fields that are not genetically modified. Thanks Monsanto.

  • June 7, 2013 at 11:28 am
    bob says:
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    you are both wrong. as a guy that looks out every morning at a field of corn (mine)I have has years of experience with gmo corn vs. conventional. aside from their being absolutely no proof of any harm from gmo products, the yields are dramatically higher and the cost of production greatly reduced thanks to ease of weed abatement. it saves lots of fuel by using gmo compared to conventional. we have been genetically altering both plants and animals for about 10,000 years – that’s the basis of all the food that we eat, aside from fish harvested naturally. all crops are genetically modified, whether thru the labratory or thru selective breeding.

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